Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Pool Boy!

Henry made his very first trip to the pool yesterday! He was a little "iffy" at first but then decided he loved it! Our dear friends, The Pulfreys, came over to swim with us...I think watching Aaron float around encouraged Henry to like the water. When Michael was swimming around with Henry, he would watch and laugh at Alan and Aaron playing nearby. After we played in the water, we came home to a yummy dinner (made by Michael...good job, babe!) and then put the boys to bed. Henry slept until almost 8 this morning!! I told Michael we're going to go swimming EVERYNIGHT if Henry will sleep that late!! :) I know we will be making plenty more trips to the pool but it sure is different with a baby! No more going out in the heat of the day to get some sun...I think our trips will be in the evening when it isn't so stinkin' H-O-T!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, apparently I've been living in a box! I didn't realize that YOUR family was the Nix family--Sue told me that last night! Henry is just precious! It's so good to be in touch.
